To be or not to be | Ft. Daughter-in-law

2 min readFeb 23, 2021


Disclaimer: My new family (in-laws) are really nice people and I do like them a lot. This is not a rant against them/about them. This is a rant about why I feel the way I do.

The story started 15 years ago when I met the boy of my dreams. I fell in love with him almost instantly and we are still together. After dating him for almost 14 years, we got married in 2020 (more on about our love story some other day)

I have known his family through him all the while we were dating. I knew the good and the bad. And thankfully, i knew there was no ugly.

We got married and I moved in with him. His family is warm and welcoming. They have always been respectful of my work and my need for space as well.

But, if everything is so good, why am i writing this story? Well, the problem is me.

The problem is my problem with loving his family as much as I love mine. The problem is that I feel guilt..soooooo much guilt…when I help his mom in the kitchen. Why? Because I rarely ever helped my own mother (unless she asked for it). In house, the things i do out of obligation, such as serving food in a plate to his siblings, i never did them even out of love for my own siblings.

Side note: in my life..this is how the priority of most important people go:

1.My brother

2. My Sister tied with My Husband

3. My Mom, Dad and Grandmother

10. Everyone else

So, when i do anything for anyone in his family, because i think i should do it, or even because 70% of the time i want to do it for them, i just feel the need to do more for my own family.

Unfortunately, I am not great at doing things for anyone in general. AM I MAKING SENSE?

Idk. Only girls who get married and are as maniac as I am, will probably understand my dilemma.

To be or not to be a daughter -in-law?

And, in all of this emotion that I feel, i actually end up alienating his family (people who actually are nice to me). When nice things happen to them, I feel a little bit sad that it is not happening for my siblings or parents. Thus, I am neither happy here nor there.

Okay I am done. I just felt I needed to write this. So i did.

